Friday, April 17, 2015

The Worst Advice I've Ever Heard About Wealth

I've heard some really awful advice when it comes to wealth so here's a few of those pesky little lies.

1. Just keep living paycheck to paycheck and one day the lottery ticket of life will come.

This is absolutely the number one worst thing I've heard about how to get rich. You can't just keep living paycheck to paycheck and expect to get wealthy it just doesn't work folks. You have to invest and save those are the two keys to becoming wealthy. You've heard the old saying it's not how much you make it's how much you save, well it's true.

2. Play the lottery and you'll win eventually.

You are more likely to get struck by lighting than to win the lottery. It's a waste of precious time and money to keep playing and hoping you will win. Also, people that win the lottery often end up POORER than they were before they won!

3. If you aren't born into a wealthy family you aren't going to be wealthy.

This is one of the worst pieces of advice you could ever hear that just crushes your dreams on becoming wealthy one day. You don't have to be born into a wealthy family to achieve wealth and fame. What you do have to do is save your money and invest it wisely. Oprah Winfrey was not born into a wealthy family and she is a billionaire today!